Lansarea competitiei de antreprenoriat Compania Anului 2016.
Competiția Compania Anului este cea mai mare competitie interuniversitara de antreprenoriat din tara, prin care echipe de studenti din toate universitatile concureaza cu proiecte de afaceri pilot.
REGULAMENTUL competitiei este disponibil AICI.
Calendarul competitiei:
- Inscrierea echipelor cu plan de afacere si scurt video pitch - 15 februarie - 13 martie
- Evaluare si anuntarea semifinalistilor – 14 - 18 martie
Inscrierea in competitie se face prin formular electronic, cuprinzand:
- Datele de indentificare si de contact ale echipei
- Conceptul de business (max. 1000 caractere pt fiecare sectiune)
- Scurta descriere a afacerii
- Piata tinta si nevoia identificata
- Produsul/serviciul pe care il dezvolta pentru satisfacerea nevoii
- Strategia de marketing
- Avantajul competitiv al afacerii
- Video-prezentare a afacerii (link catre un material video de max. 2 minute, realizat de studenti)
Echipele semifinaliste parcurg ulterior urmatorele etape:
- Incubatorul Bizzfactory (pilotarea afacerii) – 21 martie - 22 aprilie
- Selectia finala – 25 aprilie - 5 mai
- Finala nationala Compania Anului 2016 – 24-25 mai
This is the offer received from International Business School America, regarding short time programs opportunity
"I am writing to bring to your attention the opening of the International Mobility Program, which might be of interest to your institution. The program is organized by the International Business School Americas (IBS-Americas), responsible for coordinating short-term Certificate Programs in New York in partnership with renowned North-American Universities.
Promoting international engagement for undergraduate students, the program awards scholarships to students in order to recognize and encourage individual talents, academic achievement, leadership skills, and international experience. As the dean of IBS-Americas, it is my pleasure to invite your students to apply for them.
Our programs are held in January and in July each year in three different Campuses: The State University of New York, at New Paltz, Mount Saint Mary College, at Newburgh, and The College of Saint Rose, at Albany (New York’s Capital). All Institutions offer accommodation in their student dorms, as well as breakfast and lunch in class days.
They are all located in the state of New York, and offer the following intensive programs:
· Marketing and Value Management;
· Competitive Project Management;
· Corporate Financial Management;
· Strategic Thinking;
· Business English First Lessons.
These summer/winter three-week courses are designed to take place during vacation, allowing the participants to have an intensive contact with international quality education without the need of breaking academic and professional bonds.
Your students are eligible to apply for scholarships covering up to 70% of tuition costs. For this reason, if you could share the information below with your students or with the faculty members from the International Office, it would be greatly appreciated. All students, regardless of grade point average, area of study, citizenship or residency status are encouraged to apply.
To apply for a scholarship, please contact my assistant, Mr. Júlio Quadros (Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea.) not later than February, 28th of 2016. You will be given an application form and all detailed information regarding the programs structure."