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IECS 2019 - Student Section

16 Mai 2019 In Evenimente
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26th International Economic Conference – IECS 2019 – Student Section,

This year’s edition of the International Economic Conference of Sibiu – IECS 2019- Student Section, organized by the Faculty of Economic Sciences, aims to encourage debates and exchange of ideas on the most stringent economic issues in todays globalized world. Additionally, experts guests will conduct a workshop, on a theme that will be announced, enabling participants to achieve new competences. The event will take place during 21st -22nd  of May 2018, in Păltiniș, Sibiu.

Students can participate with a:

PAPER (in English/Romanian)

Papers will be written ind English or Romanian, but will be presented in English and must comply with the provided guidelines. They will be sent to the address: Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea. until 05.05.2019 12.05.2019. As regards to paper content, we recommend to ask your professors / coordinator for advice.
All accepted papers will be published in Revista Studenților Economiști Sibieni with ISSN 1584-4366.


The posters will be written in English and must comply with the provided guidelines. They will be sent to the address: Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea. until 05.05.2019. Students will also deliver a short presentation about their poster (maximum 10 minutes).

Both papers and posters will be presented on Tuesday, 21st of May 2019.

No participation fee. Participants will get the program and a certificate of participation.

Both papers and posters will cover one of the following topics:

  • Economics
  • Business Administration
  • Management
  • Marketing
  • Tourism
  • Finance
  • Accounting
  • Banking
  • Insurance
  • Business Informatics

Paper guidelines:

  • format: Microsoft Office Word
  • page formatting: A4, margins: 2,5 cm left, 2 cm for the rest
  • paper title: Times New Roman, 11, bold, central
  • details about the author(s) (first name, last name, university, faculty, speciality, year, email address): Times New Roman, 11, bold and italic, aligned on the right, 2 lines from the title
  • abstract: maximum 2000 de characters, Times New Roman, 10, 2 lines from the authors’ names
  • keywords: 3-5 words, Times New Roman, 10, 1 one row from abstract
  • body: Times New Roman, 11, single, justify
  • bibliography: at the end of the paper, Times New Roman, 11, in alphabetical order according to authors’ name
  • maximum 3 co-authors per paper

The scientific committee reserves the right to make the final decision regarding publication.

Poster guidelines:

  • format: PDF
  • page setup: width: 42 cm; height: 59,4 cm; orientation slides: portrait
  • text: minim 24pt

Poster content:

  • title of the poster
  • short presentation (max 400 words) in English
  • details about the author(s): first name, last name, university, faculty, speciality, year, email address, phone number
  • maximum 3 persons per poster
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