Stiinte Economice


Moschou Chrysa

Moschou Chrysa

My name is Moschou Chrysa, I am from Greece, and I was an Erasmus student for a semester (spring semester of 2017) in the Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania.

Starting from the good things, my Erasmus life was the best thing happened in my life until now. In just four months I met people from all over the world and I realized how different but, at the same time, how beautiful are other people’s cultures, habits, cuisines and beliefs. I broadened my mind while I was making long lasting friendships with people from all over the globe.

About the university, I was in the Faculty of Economic Sciences. My Erasmus coordinator in Romania was Mr. Tileaga, who was really helpful, not only at the beginning, when I first went to Romania, but at the whole time. He was always available to help us either by going to his office or by e-mail. Moreover, while other Erasmus students, in other faculties, had classes only in Romanian, my faculty had many classes in English so it was easy for me to follow. I passed all the courses I was attending by doing projects and presentations in front of my colleagues. In Romania I actually get used to be comfortable while presenting something in a foreign language, as we were presenting articles and small projects almost every week.

Although I liked a lot Romania, as I think the way people are thinking and are organized is similar to the Greek one, I found it strange that not so many people knew how to speak in English. The dorm I was staying was new, recently renovated, close to the center and relatively cheap (120 Euros per month for a single room) but the people working in it didn’t know how to speak in English. By the time I learned how to speak the basic Romanian I had to communicate with them with the body language and Google translate. The same goes for places selling food and the supermarket.  The only person that knew some English was Mrs. Alina, who was responsible for collecting the payment for the dormitory and, so, the only English she knew had to do with money.

Last but not least, I would like to refer to the International Office. Sometimes they were really helpful, sometimes not. For instance, I had to call them when I wanted them to send me my transcript of records, because they weren’t answering to my e-mails. Personally, for me this is unacceptable.

But in any case, Romania is a very nice country and I really felt safe in Sibiu. Due to the different currency it was also cheap. Thus my scholarship was enough to cover all my expenses. If I could turn back time, I would definitely choose again Sibiu as my Erasmus city although there were some difficulties (such communication) in the beginning. But I assure you, from my personal experience, that the benefits you gain from that kind of experiences are definitely overcoming the drawbacks.

Mă numesc Nuțu Camelia și anul acesta am sărbătorit 20 de ani de la absolvirea Facultății de Științe Economice din cadrul Universității „Lucian Blaga„ din Sibiu. Revederea cu foștii colegi și cu profesorii care ne-au călăuzit pașii a fost un prilej de bucurie enormă. Aceasta însă a devenit infinit de mică în comparație cu emoția pe care am trăit-o în momentul în care am participat la ceremonia de absolvire a fiului meu, acum un an, la  aceeași facultate.

Nu i-am impus fiului meu să aleagă aceeași meserie, a fost dorința lui. Alegerea carierei reprezintă o etapă importantă în viața fiecărui om, este un proces care necesită gândire și autocunoaștere, dar și puterea exemplului se pare că funcționează. Iată că nu doar medicii, avocații sau judecătorii transmit meseria mai departe generațiilor următoare. Și noi economiștii ne putem mândri cu asta.

Prin ochii fiului meu am gustat din nou frumusețea anilor de facultate, mușcând cu poftă din fructul întâiului zbor spre o maturitate desăvârșită.

Generații diferite, dar cu același țel. Consider că nu întâmplător am pășit același prag. A știut Dumnezeu cum să potrivească piesele puzzle-ului … 

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