What are Sibiu’s Must-See Attractions for a Foreign Student in 2024?

Copyright of Raul Hurdu

Sibiu, which can be found in the center of Transylvania, attracts tourists with its thriving  rich history and culture. Sibiu’s must-see attractions are waiting to be explored by foreign students.

What are the most important attractions in Sibiu?

The Council Tower

Council Tower-Sibiu's must-see attractions
Copyright of Asia Express

The Council Tower is among Sibiu’s must-see attractions and most well-known monuments.
It got its name from the fact that it guarded the gate leading into the second precinct. The gate was located next to the structure that housed Sibiu’s City Hall and first appeared in records in 1324.

The inside of the tower is accessed by a small entrance, and the upper stories are reached via a spiral staircase. The penultimate floor is where you can see the clock mechanism, while the last floor is an observation deck overlooking the city.

For the students interested in photography, this is an ideal location to take photos of the city.

The ticket for visiting the tower are really accessible: 2 RON (0.40 EUR).

The Museum of Pharmacy

Museum of pharmacy Sibiu
copyright of Turism Sibiu

Since its opening in 1972, the museum’s collections have brought together more than 6.600 exhibits.

These displays were sourced from 67 locations throughout 32 cities in the nation, including pharmacies, pharmaceutical offices, hospitals, and private individuals.

The Museum of Pharmacy is located in the Small Square and is housed in a historical and architectural landmark. The museum consists of a laboratory, an office, and a homeopathic display with about two thousand artifacts. This particular place offers a chance to discover Sibiu’s history.

The price for visiting the museum is 16 RON (3.22 EUR)

Astra Museum – Sibiu’s Well-known Attraction

Astra Museum- Sibiu's must-see attractions
copyright of Turism Sibiu

Located in the Dumbrava Forest, four kilometers outside the city, lies the ASTRA Museum of Folkloric Traditional Civilization.
The museum, which has been open since 1963, occupies 96 hectares and has a 10-kilometer display circuit.
The museum features authentic monuments that embody the principles of the Romanian village.
This place displays a variety of national residences, unique interior décor, industrial installations from rural communities, vintage modes of transportation, and more.

It is the perfect place to go on a walk and relax after an intensive period of exams and connect with silence and nature.

Its gates are generously opened all year long, day and night.

Adults: 35 Ron
Students: 9 Ron

Events You Can’t Miss

Focus in the Park

Sibiu's must-see attractions
Copyright of Facebook

The “Focus in the Park” festival in Sibiu is an annual event that typically focuses on promoting culture, arts, and community engagement.

It often features various activities such as live music performances, art exhibitions, street food, workshops and outdoor film screenings. The festival aims to provide a platform for both local and international artists to showcase their talents. It creates a vibrant atmosphere in the heart of Sibiu’s “Subarini Park”.

Do you want to have fun? Have an unforgettable experience with your friends surrounded by good music and nature.

The event takes place between  21-25 August.

Street Food Festival

street food festival Sibiu
Copyright of Ora de Sibiu

One of the most popular events in Sibiu is “Street Food Festival Sibiu.”

This event typically takes place in the city center, attracting food lovers from near and far. Attendees can indulge in a wide range of delicious street food options, including burgers, tacos, kebabs, gourmet sandwiches, crepes, waffles, and more.

Local vendors showcase their specialties alongside international flavors, creating a diverse culinary experience. Alongside the food offerings, the festival often features live music performances, outdoor seating areas, and activities for children, making it a lively and enjoyable event for the whole family.

Food lovers should not miss this experience. Food, drinks and good live music. Perfect match!

This year, this fun festival will take place in September, between 12 and 15.

Songs of the Mountains

"Cantecele Muntiilor"
copyright of Cantecele Muntilor

Songs of the Mountains is a traditional music festival which takes place in the City Center of Sibiu. The event typically takes place during the autumn, dedicated to promoting and preserving local folklore and traditions.

Festival-goers have the opportunity to enjoy authentic concerts, traditional dances, handicraft exhibitions, and other activities that celebrate the cultural richness of the mountainous areas of Romania.

Songs of the Mountains offers an insight into the fascinating universe of local traditions and customs, showcasing the rich cultural heritage of the mountains around Sibiu.

Festivals You Must See as a Foreign Student in Sibiu

Sibiu International Theatre Festival (FITS)

sibiu's international theatre festival
copyright of FITS

For sure you have already heard about FITS, which is one of Sibiu’s must-see attractions.

Well, FITS is the third biggest theatre festival in the world, after Avignon and Edinburgh. For 10 days at the end of June, spectacles, conferences, constructions, concerts and plays of any kind and origin overwhelm Sibiu. Actors from more than 73 countries participate in this beautiful project, offering to the public over 500 plays, in different locations.

If you want to take part in this beautiful story, this year, in 2024, FITS will take place in June, between 21 and 30.

Transylvania International Film Festival (TIFF)

TIFF Sibiu Festival
copyright of TIFF

TIFF is the first and the biggest feature film festival in Romania.

It has become a recognized brand in Romania not only for the quality of the programs presented but also for its excellent organization. Vibrant atmosphere,  multitude of events, workshops and concerts until dawn are the elements that make the festival so magic.

Faust – One of Sibiu’s Must-See Attractions

copyright of TNRS

Moving and visceral, Faust invites its audience to a powerful experience of knowledge, faith, pain and love. What distinguishes Silviu Purcărete’s “Faust” is the complexity of the director’s vision. It is an spiritual experience on the border between Earth and Hell, with a landscape amplified by projections, live rock music, dozens of actors and dancers.

The basis of this modern Faust is improvisation, with Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s text as the starting point for an exceptional theatrical composition.

Fun Sport Activities Can You Enjoy In Sibiu

Sibiu offers an array of sporting activities for students, blending physical activity with cultural exploration. From traditional team sports to outdoor adventures and marathons, the city provides ample opportunities for students.


Copyright of Vlad Stoica

Football enthusiasts will find themselves in good company in Sibiu, home to local team, FC Hermannstadt. This team competes in the national league and for its matches students benefit of special discounts.


CSU Sibiu
Copyright of Turnul Sfatului

For basketball lovers, Sibiu has teams like CSU Sibiu, known for their competitive spirit and dedication to the sport. During their stay, students can join local basketball clubs or participate in pickup games at community courts.

Hiking & Biking

Hiking and mountain biking trails crisscross the Carpathian Mountains, inviting students to embark on adventures.

The Transfăgărășan Road, often dubbed one of the world’s most scenic drives, provides a stunning backdrop for cycling enthusiasts seeking an adrenaline rush amidst mountain peaks and alpine lakes.


Sibiu's International Marathon- Sibiu's must-see attractions
copyright of Maratonul International Sibiu

Every year, Sibiu hosts the Sibiu International Marathon, attracting runners from around the globe. Here, they can test their endurance against the city’s historic backdrop. Students can participate in various race categories, from the challenging marathon to shorter distances. Furthermore, the event promotes physical fitness and also celebrates the city’s rich cultural heritage.

As you explore Sibiu, you’ll find yourself immersed in its rich history, vibrant culture, and breathtaking landscapes. So, pack your bags and prepare to uncover the treasures of this city.


Alexandra NAN, Alexandru OLARIU, Cristina SMATREA, Vlad STOICA, Maria SERBU, Daria TELEABA

We are students at Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu at Business Administration and our goal is to make Erasmus students feel at home in our town.

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