Economics Students’ Club – Everything You Need To Know

Economics Students Club

This is what our Economics Students’ Club is all about! Being a student is quite difficult, isn’t it? We’re talking about sleepless nights, long hours of study and having a constant feeling of nervousness when it comes to presenting your projects in front of the entire class. You need something to keep you going, someone who can empathize, someone who can show you that there is so much more to being a student than it meets the eye.

How it all began

Economics Students’ Club (CSE) is a student organization founded in 1995 with the support of the Faculty of Economic Sciences, aiming to create a “club” of the best economics students. This organization was set up to carry a wide range of activities with and for the faculty, therefore students were directly involved in a lot of very interesting and interactive projects that have taken place over the years.

Our Projects

CSE’s activity mostly consists of weekly meetings where we invite teachers or local entrepreneurs to share their personal and professional experience, attending different faculty projects and even developing our own. As a result, the personal and professional development of students can increase significantly.

Some of CSE’s projects can be found below:

  • DocExpert – a workshop developed especially for students interested in Accounting, where they get the opportunity to learn and apply solutions to various accounting problems
  • CSE vs. Teachers – in simple words: a project that proves that students are better than teachers at something… SPORT
  • Meet Your Teacher – a recent project that implies students meeting their teachers on a more personal level. To sum this up, we invite teachers to come and present themselves – when did they know they wanted to become teachers? What were the challenges they faced? If they were to do it all again, what would they do differently? What are their favorite movies / songs / quotes / books and so on. After the session is done, students can ask anonymous questions.
  • Social Projects – CSE is always eager to help the ones in need. Every single year, especially during the holidays, CSE members work hard to make cookies and other treats in order to raise funds, but they also gather material donations for disadvantaged families.

+ many others.

How You Can Join

This step is very easy. If you are already a student, you can join anytime by simply attending our meetings every Thursday evening.

If you are considering coming and studying at the Faculty of Economics Sciences, don’t worry – you will interact with CSE students during the admission period. They are the ones who will take care of your documents and prepare your admission folder.

Either way, you can always contact us on Facebook or Instagram for more details.

We know it sounds attractive. And it really is. So, we’re looking forward to seeing you around next year!


This blog post was developed by 5 fun students who live under the impression that they're actually fun.

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Științe Economice ULBS

Facultatea de Științe Economice - Universitatea Lucian Blaga din Sibiu
+4 0269 210 375