A Balanced University Life | Easy and Practical Ways to Manage it

balanced university life

People often think that University students have it easy, going to classes a couple of times a week and spending the rest of their time lazing around doing nothing.

Being a University student might be challenging and stressful at times. Besides our studies, we have our social life to manage and take care of. Surely, all of that can be overwhelming and it might be difficult to keep track of it all. Thus, in this post we will elaborate some easy and practical ways to manage a balanced University life.

Firstly, you should be aware and acknowledge the main issues, which could stop you from living a balanced university life. Some of the factors that might give you a tough time can include:

  • Exams, deadlines for written work or presentations;
  • Insufficient time for a healthy routine;
  • Lack of motivation and overthinking;
  • Hard time balancing social life and study;
  • Unorganized behavior patterns.

Keep a Balanced Schedule

balanced university life

Above all, for a student, time is a tool that might become difficult to handle. Simple time management techniques can help to achieve a balanced university life.

What you can do is:

  • Create a written schedule or an excel file.
  • Add your goals and tasks.
  • Set a timeline for them.
  • Schedule your classes and homework.

Pro Tip: Just be realistic with your goals and tasks. If you know you are not a morning person do not schedule tasks which start at 7 a.m.. Also don’t overload yourself. Equally, make sure to have some free time as well, or you will burn out.

Studying Hacks

Any University student will tell you that exam periods are probably the most stressful times. While it is essential to maintain a healthy balance between lectures and social activities, studying must be a priority in your schedule.

Here are some useful ways how you can manage the overload of studying:

  • Turn off your devices to avoid distractions (like social media) and find a comfortable place to be seated;
  • Gather all the necessary materials needed and organize them chronologically;
  • Highlight the key points of your lectures;
  • Study every day  for at least 20 minutes until your upcoming exams/deadlines;
  • Keep track of your progress (try to-do lists).

Pro Tip: Take into consideration short breaks, especially if you are studying for longer periods of time.

“Give It a Try” Attitude

You may find extracurricular activities bothersome, but you will never know if you’ll enjoy them. That’s why you should give them a try. There are many types of activities and some of them may even help you in your future career. Thus, having fun while also improving some skills, could be like killing two birds with one stone.

Some extracurricular activities provided by our Faculty might include taking part in a students’ organization, such as Economic Students’ Club. As well as volunteering at local festivals (FITS, TIFF, etc.) or seeking out internships with Partners of our Faculty of Economic Sciences.

Say no to self-sabotage. Just give it a try!

A Strong Body & Soul Relationship

balanced university life

During University, you might encounter some difficult and stressful situations. In order to keep a good mental health, try to find ways to overcome them and surround yourself with positive thoughts. Being an accepting person gives you the power to navigate through stressful periods of life with equilibrium.

Hence, take some time off from everything that is connected with your lectures and do something that you enjoy. By doing something else apart from University related stuff, you’ll free your mind and get rid of stress.

Workout and Eat Healthy Foods

Why is a healthy body important for a balanced University life? Exercising helps improve your concentration and therefore you will have a more productive learning session.

In addition, setting up a meal plan could turn out to be extremely helpful, keeping you away from falling into bad habits. Furthermore, eating more fruits and vegetables, and overall consuming products with a ‘cleaner’ or ‘healthier’ ingredient list, can give you enough energy for a day of effective studying.

Create a Routine for aBalanced University Life

Getting enough sleep will let you do all sorts of activities throughout the day with enough energy and a clear mind. Likewise, creating a sleep routine can make you more aware of your time.

Consistently getting qualitative sleep will improve your mental, emotional, and physical performance. Sleep improves your immune system, balances hormones, boosts metabolism, and improves brain functions. The main reason sleep is so important for students’ balanced university life is because this is the time when our brain is “cleaning” itself.

Pro Tip: Therefore, try to do everything you can to wind down before going to bed. Take a bath to relax, watch your favourite TV show or just pick up and read your favourite book.

“The best and safest thing is to keep a balance in your life, acknowledge the great powers around us and in us. If you can do that, and live that way, you are really a wise man.”

Photo Credential: We would like to thank Unsplash website for providing the featured images.

Anamaria BÎC, Paula-Teodora FRÎNTU, Ligia-Gabriela TURCU

Three passionate, high-spirited & energic BA students, ready to take over blogging!

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Științe Economice ULBS

Facultatea de Științe Economice - Universitatea Lucian Blaga din Sibiu

+4 0269 210 375