SUCIU Titus, Transilvania University of Brasov
In individual companies, price is one significant factor in achieving marketing success. In many purchase situations, price can be of great importance to customers. Marketers must establish pricing strategies that are compatible with the rest of the marketing mix. Management should decide whether to charge the same price to all similar buyers of identical quantities of a product (a one-price strategy) or to set different prices (a flexible price strategy). Many organizations, especially retailers, use at least some of the following special strategies: price lining, odd pricing and leader pricing. A company must also choose between everyday low pricing and high-low pricing, which puts noticeably low prices on selected products while having higher prices on all others.
Keywords: price, consumers, pricing strategies, value
JEL Classification:
Volume: 65, Issue: 4
Pages: 194 - 200
Publication date: , 2013
Download the article: http://economice.ulbsibiu.ro/revista.economica/archive/65415suciu.pdf
SUCIU Titus, 2013, PRICE AND PRICING STRATEGIES, Revista Economică, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Faculty of Economic Sciences, vol.65(4), pages 194-200,

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