STAICU Daniela, Bucharest University of Economic Studies
The transition to a circular economy is concerned with changing the behaviour of both producers and consumers. A solution to support this shift are product labelling schemes since in recent years, many consumers tend to be concerned about green products and ways to identify them. Ecolabels are a mean of informing the consumer about more sustainable product choices and advising them of how to use the product more sustainably.This study provides an overview of evidence using a descriptive case study methodology, identifying how and why s Romanian startup in the circular economy, in the sector of production and consumption developed its own ecolabel. The data collection included in-depth interviews with four stakeholders (two staff members and two designers) and the analysis of more than 250 pages of both internal and external documents of the company. Data obtained showcased six-step process designers had to go through to obtain the ALTRNTV ecolabel. The ecolabel criteria are structured into four categories as follows: transparency, ethics, waste management and sustainability, and thirteen sub-categories and confirmed that ALTRNTV ecolabel operates in accordance with SDG 12, Responsible consumption and production and with SDG 13, Climate Action, status confirmed by the criteria comprised in the brand sustainability assessment. Finally features of the ecolabel are being described extensively. Future research should aim to understand why the EU Ecolabel is not comprehensive enough for local manufacturers of sustainable items to adhere to it.
Keywords: eco-design, ecolabel, circular economy, manufacturing, circular products
JEL Classification: O21
Volume: 76, Issue: 2
Pages: 29 - 40
Publication date: June, 2024
DOI: 10.56043/reveco-2024-0013
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STAICU Daniela, 2024, CIRCULAR ECONOMY IN MANUFACTURING: A CASE STUDY ON ALTRNTV ECO LABEL, Revista Economică, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Faculty of Economic Sciences, vol.76(2), pages 29-40, June. DOI: