SUCIU Marta-Christina, Bucharest University of Economic Studies
BOCĂNEALĂ Ana-Maria, Bucharest University of Economic Studies
DUMITRESCU Decebal-Octavian, Bucharest University of Economic Studies
Today society has to face complex crises. COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted global vulnerabilities, inequalities and their interconnections with the whole human society, in terms of health, education, social, legal regulations, infrastructure and economic issues. We consider viable, sustainable and resilient alternative solutions had to be identify in order to support socio-economic development by supporting cooperation, collaboration, and solidarity. Crisis might be seen as a wake-up call to the whole world suggesting the need to reconsider globalization. Local communities welcome collaboration, co -working, co-creation such as to better support mostly vulnerable people. There is a high demand to involve more and more NGOs in rebuilding sustainable, smart, inclusive, competitive and resilient socio-economic development. The paper aims to highlight some of the new visions that support the need to involved more local communities, organisations and NGOs. From a methodological point of view the paper focus on qualitative research, namely telephone interviews with NGO leaders. Interviews were carried out in order to identify what efforts leaders are willing and able to make such as to support a sustainable, inclusive, and resilient development. The leaders suggested solutions that promote mainly innovation, digital transformation, online transactions, and other, human oriented decision-maker alternatives. NGO leaders are aware that they might have an important role in promoting socio-economic development by implementing sustainable practices in non-profit organizations. Our research highlights as main results some of the challenges and barriers NGOs have to face. One of the key factors refers to identify some viable financial alternative solutions.
Keywords: Sustainable leadership, NGOs, Sustainable development
JEL Classification: O10, O11, O15
Volume: 75, Issue: 3
Pages: 80 - 88
Publication date: October, 2023
DOI: 10.56043/reveco-2023-0029
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SUCIU Marta-Christina, 2023, THE ROLE OF NGOs LEADERSHIP FOR BETTER SUPPORTING A SUSTAINABLE, INCLUSIVE AND RESILIENT DEVELOPMENT, Revista Economică, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Faculty of Economic Sciences, vol.75(3), pages 80-88, October. DOI: