NICULA Virgil, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu
SPÂNU Simona, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu
Via Transilvanica is a road that breaks the barriers between generations and cultures. Also called the road that unites, Via Transilvanica is a fascinating journey with stories about diversity, about landscapes that gradually reveal themselves during the journey. The places crossed by the Via Transilvanica are different, just as the people who choose to cross this route or who live along it are also different. The Via Transilvanica route, in its 1400 km length, is divided into seven historical and cultural regions: Bucovina, Tinutul de Sus, Terra Siculorum, Terra Saxonum, Terra Dacica, Terra Banatica and Terra Romana. Throughout this route, the local gastronomy is varied, sprinkled with traditional dishes and with the possibility of purchasing local products through short food chains. In the south of Mureș county, on the border with Brașov and Sibiu counties, Via Transilvanica runs through an area where the short food chain Bucate din vecinătate operates, which promotes well-known domestic products as well as culinary innovations. The gastronomic events in Saschiz have crossed the borders of the area, the Rhubarb Festival being known at the national level. In the north of Sibiu county, the Bucate din Proximitate cooperative aims to facilitate cooperation between local producers in the Mediașului Plateau and consumers in the county. The Food Hub also operates in Sibiu county, which markets the products of local producers through a short food chain.The products are accompanied by the manufacturer s contact details as a guarantee of quality. In this way, the consumer has the certainty of the authenticity of traditional local products. The Terra Saxona route on Via Transilvanica is an opportunity for local producers to promote their traditional local values and capitalize on the multi-ethnic gastronomic heritage.
Keywords: rural tourism, short food chains, sustainable development
JEL Classification: L83, Q56, Q57, Q01, Q13
Volume: 74, Issue: 3
Pages: 88 - 95
Publication date: October, 2022
DOI: 10.56043/reveco-2022-0028
Download the article: http://economice.ulbsibiu.ro/revista.economica/archive/74308nicula&spanu.pdf
NICULA Virgil, SPÂNU Simona, 2022, SHORT FOOD CHAINS ON THE VIA TRANSILVANICA - TERRA SAXORUM, OPPORTUNITY TO DEVELOPSUSTAINABLE RURAL TOURISM, Revista Economică, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Faculty of Economic Sciences, vol.74(3), pages 88-95, October. DOI: https://doi.org/10.56043/reveco-2022-0028

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