PANTA Nancy Diana, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu
The activity of beekeeping is essential not only for agricultural production, but also for mankind. Even though beekeeping has been producing honey and other bee products for thousands of years, it is still quite poorly understood and analysed as a professional activity. In light of the challenges facing the sector today, integrating sustainability into beekeeping practices becomes not only optional, but necessary. In recent years, the concept of sustainability has received increasing attention in debates on agricultural policies, and stakeholders have become more and more interested in monitoring and evaluating agricultural practices. Still, assessing sustainability involves "breaking" its dimensions into various factors using indicators that provide information. This can often prove to be difficult to operationalize. Nevertheless, the matter of operationalizing sustainability was approached through different models which have led to numerous proposals for measuring and evaluating sustainability in the agricultural sector. However, despite the similarities, the beekeeping sub-sector is distinguished from the agricultural one by a number of characteristics which obviously need to be included in the models for assessing sustainable development. Therefore, this paper aims to consider the multitude of economic, social, environmental and governance particularities of Romanian beekeeping farms based on literature, and bring them forward through a bee farm sustainability assessment model.
Keywords: Sustainability, Farm Sustainability Assessment, Beekeeping Sector
JEL Classification: Q01, Q13
Volume: 73, Issue: Special
Pages: 218 - 229
Publication date: December, 2021
DOI: 10.56043/reveco-2021-0056
Download the article: http://economice.ulbsibiu.ro/revista.economica/archive/73S15panta.pdf
PANTA Nancy Diana, 2021, OPERATIONALIZING FARM SUSTAINABILITY, PARTICULARITIES FROM THE BEEKEEPING SECTOR, Revista Economică, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Faculty of Economic Sciences, vol.73(Special), pages 218-229, December. DOI: https://doi.org/10.56043/reveco-2021-0056