FUCIU Mircea, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu
Having a clear understanding of the consumer has become crucial for developing an effective marketing campaign. The online environment has greatly changed the consumer and their consumption behaviour. In the everchanging online business environment the companies are dealing with all types of consumers, starting from the baby boomers, and finishing with the alpha generation. This paper deals with the evolution of the consumer generations in the context of an ever-evolving marketing concept, it points out the key characteristics of these consumers in a digital environment. Furthermore, it is very important to underline the online consumer profile in the context of the shift between generations, so by literature review and statistics we show how the consumers have changed in their quest of becoming 21st century online customers.
Keywords: Online Consumer, Marketing, Online Buying Behaviour, Consumer Profile, Social Media
JEL Classification: M31, M39
Volume: 73, Issue: 4
Pages: 18 - 27
Publication date: December, 2021
DOI: 10.56043/reveco-2021-0033
Download the article: http://economice.ulbsibiu.ro/revista.economica/archive/73402fuciu.pdf
FUCIU Mircea, 2021, THE CONSUMER PROFILE ACROSS THE GENERATIONS FROM THE MARKETING PERSPECTIVE, Revista Economică, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Faculty of Economic Sciences, vol.73(4), pages 18-27, December. DOI: https://doi.org/10.56043/reveco-2021-0033

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