CETINA Iuliana, The Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania
GOLDBACH Dumitru , Valahia University of Targoviste, Targoviste, Romania
MANEA Natalia , University Politehnica of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania
The aim of the paper is to present a comparative analysis between the Udemy platform and the most important online learning platforms in the World. The Internet and technology have made important changes in traditional education, by creating digital libraries, multifunctional desktops, distributing information through the electronic post, and also introducing a new type of education, called e-learning or online learning. The main advantages of this new paradigm of education are: easy access to information, flexibility, convenience, time saving, multitasking, connectivity, different approaches, etc. Udemy, the online education and training platform, is one of the largest platforms in the World.
Keywords: education; online; training; internet
JEL Classification: I29
Volume: 70, Issue: 3
Pages: 46 - 54
Publication date: August, 2018
Download the article: http://economice.ulbsibiu.ro/revista.economica/archive/70304cetina&goldbach&manea.pdf
CETINA Iuliana, GOLDBACH Dumitru , MANEA Natalia , 2018, UDEMY: A CASE STUDY IN ONLINE EDUCATION AND TRAINING, Revista Economică, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Faculty of Economic Sciences, vol.70(3), pages 46-54, August

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