DURALIA Oana, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu
The unpredictability of the natural cataclysms generated by the multiple climate changes mankind has experienced in recent decades, corroborated with the exacerbation of global terrorist actions, has led to an expansion of the issue of social marketing and, implicitly, of of non-profit organization marketing. If, in a traditional approach to nonprofit marketing, the notion of competition was not considered a basic concept, in recent decades, the competition on non-profit organizations market forces the participants to adjust their marketing strategies according to their competitors’ actions, so as to ensure their success, or, depending on the case, their survival on the market. In this context, the present paper aims to analyze the particularities of the application of the demand on the market of nonprofit organizations as well as to identify the main tools that the marketer can use in order to substantiate the marketing policies, the starting point being the individual, both as a consumer-beneficiary of social, cultural, sports, religious and other products and services, as well as a volunteer or financier.
Keywords: nonprofit marketing, social marketing, volunteering, subscribers, prescriptions
JEL Classification: M3
Volume: 69, Issue: 5
Pages: 171 - 183
Publication date: December, 2017
Download the article: http://economice.ulbsibiu.ro/revista.economica/archive/69515duralia.pdf
DURALIA Oana, 2017, THE IMPLICATIONS OF NONPROFIT MARKETING ON THE BEHAVIOR OF EUROPEAN CITIZENS, Revista Economică, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Faculty of Economic Sciences, vol.69(5), pages 171-183, December

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