Discipline name: Marketing Management
Name of the instructor: Teaching Assistant Mihai Tichindelean
Teaching period: 2nd semester
Assessment: team projects and written exam
Credit: 8

Course description:

Marketing Management is designed as an introduction into the theory and practice of marketing. The starting point of every marketing activity is identifying the clients needs and desires, thus a well-structured and applied marketing research is essential. This information, along other particular for every company's marketing environment, guides the marketing manager's decision of choosing the proper market segments and the right brand(s) positioning. General marke are developed and sustained through product, price,distribution and promotion strategies; these marketing strategies are detailed through adequate marketing plans and programs. Building up long-term loyalty relation ships and managing personal communications are practice-oriented subjects which add up to the classical structure of this course.

Course objectives:

1. Understand and apply the basic concepts of marketing management

2. Understand and perform proper marketing researches (mostly exploratory rearches, qualitative and quantitative) for developing marketing strategies, plans and programs on particular topics

3. Communicate effective (written and orally) in the English language on some specific marketing topics

4. Develop both critical and creative thinking abilities, as well as team-work skills