How To Write a Bachelor Thesis – Tips and Tricks for Students

Working at the bachelor thesis

The bachelor thesis sounds pretty scary… we know. That is why we made this blog for you, so you can be prepared.

So… What Is a Bachelor Thesis ?

A bachelor thesis is a research project of a studied subject developed based on a bibliography that it is written and presented by students, upon completion of undergraduate studies.

Bachelor thesis information

The aim of the bachelor thesis is to prove if the students are able to scientifically treat a topic in their field of study and process it, independently.

The writing of a thesis is made under strict rules of language, grammar and formatting. It is supported in front of a commission of Professors for obtaining a Bachelor’s Degree.

Now… What Subject and Coordinator Professor to Choose?

Ask yourself what was the subject you enjoyed the most? Think what will motivate you to write a whole thesis. Will this be fun or it will be a nightmare?

Coordinator professor for the bachelor thesis

First, you have to decide on what are you going to write about (the topic of your thesis), then choose the teacher who will guide you for that subject.
You can also talk with the teacher you like the most and agree on the topic of thesis.

BUT is not that simple and our suggestions to you will be these:

  • Choose something that you really enjoy to learn and write about.As a result, you will be more involved in the project.
  • Choose something challenging because you are making this for yourself, first, not for your teacher or anyone else.


  • Don’t choose the most simple subject, because if you don’t like it, you will not understand it, and even if it looks easy, it will be difficult to focus on something that is not challenging.
  • Don’t choose something just because your teacher recommends it to you.

Your Thesis Should Have a Good Structure

Book for the bachelor thesis

Every bachelor thesis should be written with great care, it should be original and, most importantly, it should respect a certain formal structure. For the undergraduate thesis in Romania, the structure should consist of:

1. The cover of your thesis on which the student must write their full name and the coordinating teacher.
2. The title page – gives a classy look to your paper and reflects the content.
3. Introduction: it will contain the motivation for choosing the topic
4. The content: the vast majority of the information, structured in chapters and subsections.
5. Conclusions of the paper – this is the part of the undergraduate thesis where the most important points of the paper and your contributions are explained.
6. Bibliography: contains the list of all references and sources of information used by the future graduate, like scientific articles, books, credible sites.

Sources of Information for your thesis

A. Bibliographic Sources

Books for Bachelor thesis research

The undergraduate thesis requires the use of books, scientific articles or reliable sites, written by scientists or experts of this topic that you have to write about. Some appropriate quotes and rephrasing of original ideas could be added. However, even in the case of rephrasing an idea, students should reference the authors because the idea doesn’t belong to them.

A good starting point for your bachelor thesis would be to check open access sources that examine similar topics, so we provided some:

B. Questionnaires & Interviews

Questionnaires and interviews are forms of marketing research methods that generate primary data – data that did not exist before. So, maybe an original source of information for your thesis could be to develop a research project for your thesis’s case study chapter.

When developing a survey, don’t forget to protect the rights, the privacy and the anonymity of the people who participate in your research.

C. Databases & Data

Adjustments of the bachelor thesis

In this research method, you will be able to take already existing data in order and use it your thesis for further assessment and examination. Secondary data research includes sources like World Bank, European Comission, OECD, public statistics, national banks, financial reports of public companies etc.

Also, when using already existing data or graphs, it is appropriate to mention the source of each graph / figure that doesn’t reflect an original visualization.

We Are Here to Support You with Some Tips & Tricks for Your Thesis

  • Start early so you don’t run out of time and start stressing out
  • Choose a theme you enjoy writing about and that has a lot of information already available
  • Search for books or other credible sources as soon as you choose your subject
  • Find a place to study where you feel comfortable, for example a library or the nature
  • Find different information sources that fit your way of studying and double-check the content
  • Create thesis deadlines and follow-up on them
  • Start writing and do not procrastinate
  • Quality over quantity: do not fill the pages just so you have more paragraphs
  • Save the links and sources of information you use since you will need them later for references
  • Keep track of your references as you start writing your thesis
  • Do not be afraid to have a few setbacks because it is normal
  • Do not exaggerate: Remember that your mental and physical health come first and that a tired brain is not a productive brain
  • Always focus on the work you have done, rather than on the work you still have to do

You Finished Writing Your Thesis, but Now How Will You Present it?

Here are a few pieces of advice that will help you present your thesis:

  • Stay relevant and mention only the most important information
  • Create a balance between practice and theory
  • Focus on a strong conclusion
  • Maintain eye contact and don’t be nervous because everything is going to be fine
  • Make the presentation interactive and tell a story related to the main subject of your thesis that will impress the audience
  • Practice your presentation until it’s perfect and you’re sure that there will not be any major mistakes
  • Be humble

We hope our blog helped you and that you are ready to create a great bachelor thesis. Do not forget to check also our previous blog on the friendliest Erasmus experience in Sibiu if you are going to apply for a Master study program and consider studying abroad.

Good luck!

Photo Credit: The images used in this post belong to PixaBay and Pexels

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